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Ville Castelnau-Magnoac
Cours particuliers de Anglais
verified Données vérifiées time 3 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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4 € Supplément de déplacement
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Become an Absolute Beast in English (oral fluency) with my engaging sessions

Description des cours
Would you like to swiftly and playfully improve your oral fluency in English ? Well, I am here to help you overcome your struggles, regardless of your level (From Kindergarten to Business English) I will lead conversations and provide guidance to help you engage in a fun and meaningful way. Within the course of weeks, at an average of 2.5 hours per week, we will together move mountains, namely vocabulary, some grammar issues when necessary, and make you look and sound a lot more comfortable using English in any given situation. So take your chance and give us a try ASAP (As Soon As Possible). :-)!

We can communicate in French, English, Spanish, and to some extent in Chinese.

This classes I am offering come right after several related experiences I have had in the education sector : as freelance teacher online, but also as high-school english teacher in China. There I taught 4 groups of 30 students weekly, aged between 15 and 17 yo, with dynamic teaching content that increased students' levels of engagement and oral fluency. I would also change my methods of evaluation (oral/written exams, group presentations, project presentations, role plays...) frequently.
Rémy en quelques mots
Bonjour, Hi, ??,Hóla!

I'm Rémy, 29. Originally from Southern France, I grew up since I was 15 in a British -french family. I studied and worked abroad for most of the past 10 years (New-Zealand, China, Thailand, Germany, England), I speak french, english, chinese mandarin, & spanish. I am also a published author and Social entrepreneur.

Je m'appelle Rémy, 29 ans, originaire du Sud-Ouest de la F...
Bonjour, Hi, ??,Hóla!

I'm Rémy, 29. Originally from Southern France, I grew up since I was 15 in a British -french family. I studied and worked abroad for most of the past 10 years (New-Zealand, China, Thailand, Germany, England), I speak french, english, chinese mandarin, & spanish. I am also a published author and Social entrepreneur.

Je m'appelle Rémy, 29 ans, originaire du Sud-Ouest de la France, ayant grandi depuis mes 15 ans au sein d'une famille multilingue. J'ai vécu et travaillé à l'étranger pour la plus grosse partie de ces dix dernières années (Nouvelle-Zélande, Chine, Thaïlande, Allemagne, Angleterre) et parle aujourd'hui le français, l'anglais, le mandarin, et l'espagnol.


I have a burning passion for words, conversation, and learning in general. I am a perfect fit to help you improve your english and/or french, via a holistic, playful, and enriching approach. Note that while in China, I taught english to a 100+ students in high school.

Je nourris une réelle passion pour les mots, la conversations, et la culture générale. Je suis donc un interlocuteur idéal pour vous accompagner dans une approche globale, enrichissante et ludique des langues française et anglaise. Je dispose déjà d'un baggage en tant que professeur, ayant enseigné pendant plusieurs mois l'anglais à une centaine d'étudiants chinois en collège, lorsque je vivais en Chine.


As a tutor, we will focus on conversations. As we move forward, we will spend time on helping you address your weak points, as well as improve your vocabulary and mastery of grammatical structures. We will base our conversations on topics that draw your attention, and will, when relevant, call upon audio, video, or text files.

En tant que tuteur, nous nous concentrerons sur les conversations. Au fil de ces dernières, nous pourrons nous arrêter sur les difficultés que vous pourrez rencontrer (vocabulaire et grammaire). Nous aborderons des sujets qui vous intéressent et pourrons de temps à autre baser nos discussions sur la consultation préalable de supports audios, vidéos, et textuels.
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
International Management
Master 2
Formation et qualifications
Chinois Espagnol Anglais Français
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