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verified Données vérifiées time 5 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Maternelle et préscolaire
Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
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Teacher and tutoring for helping in homework

Description des cours
I have five years of experience in teaching English and Math in a diplomatic international school. I taught grade one ( 4 to 6 years old). I am a professional teacher holding two diplomas from the American University in Cairo in the child development, learning theories and the teaching strategies. My teaching philosophy is " to foster a desire for the children to learn" and I achieve this by focusing on the three points:
First by developing the students' own skills.
Second by teaching students the learning techniques to become independent in their own learning.
Third by recognizing that students have different learning styles and needs and it's my duty to meet these differences.
Lobna en quelques mots
I have five years of experience in teaching English and Math in a diplomatic international school.
I taught grade one ( 4 to 6 years old).
I am a professional teacher holding two diplomas from the American University in Cairo in the child development, learning theories and the teaching strategies.
My teaching philosophy is " to foster a desire for the children to learn" and I achieve this by foc...
I have five years of experience in teaching English and Math in a diplomatic international school.
I taught grade one ( 4 to 6 years old).
I am a professional teacher holding two diplomas from the American University in Cairo in the child development, learning theories and the teaching strategies.
My teaching philosophy is " to foster a desire for the children to learn" and I achieve this by focusing on the three points:
First by developing the students' own skills.
Second by teaching students the learning techniques to become independent in their own learning.
Third by recognizing that students have different learning styles and needs and it's my duty to meet these differences.
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Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Faculty of Commerce
Arabe Anglais
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