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Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
verified Données vérifiées time 5 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Aider à améliorer l'anglais - général, anglais des affaires. Help improve English - General, Business English

Description des cours
Licence en gestion des ressources humaines / relations industrielles.
Certificat d'anglais langue seconde (ESL)
Enseignement de l'anglais à des locuteurs d'une autre langue Trinity College (CertTESOL)
J'ai plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans le domaine des ressources humaines, de la communication, du coaching et de la résolution des problèmes stratégiques des organisations.
J'enseigne et forme actuellement des adultes et de jeunes apprenants à l'anglais pour communiquer. J'essaie donc de rendre les cours aussi interactifs que possible.
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer bientôt.
Bachelor of Business in Human Resources Management / Industrial Relations.
English as a Second Language Certificate (ESL)
Teaching English to Speakers of another Language Trinity College (CertTESOL)
I have more than 15 years of experience in HR, communication, coaching and solving strategic problems of organisations.
I currently teach and train adults and young learners English to communicate so I try to make classes as interactive as possible.
Looking forward to meeting you soon.
Georgia en quelques mots
I conduct a needs analysis to set effective goal-setting methods, and to communicate and engage with my students. At this stage it is important to listen to the students needs and expectations of the course or lesson.

I am positive, enthusiastic and passionate about teaching and come prepared and organised to lessons.

We will practice discussions, demonstrations and hands-on activities. I lik...
I conduct a needs analysis to set effective goal-setting methods, and to communicate and engage with my students. At this stage it is important to listen to the students needs and expectations of the course or lesson.

I am positive, enthusiastic and passionate about teaching and come prepared and organised to lessons.

We will practice discussions, demonstrations and hands-on activities. I like to use technology including educational resources and authentic material, articles, books, podcasts and videos to support lifelong learning.

Another method I like to use is real-life experiences, photos and of course ask many questions for students to better understand vocabulary and phrases. We will practice (recycle) these situations with different lessons to keep the learning exciting and engaging.

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Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Bachelor of Business Degree
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