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Préparation à l'examen IELTS avec une enseignante sympathique

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Improve your English and prepare for exams with a passionate teacher! Hello everyone :) My name is Roya, I’m 23 years old and I’ve been teaching English for over 5 years now. I have plenty of books, materials and resources since reading and English literature is my passion, which means I can help you effectively achieve your goals!

I've had the chance of working with students of different levels of English proficiency and at different ages, so I’m familiar with various learners’ struggles. I can help you with conversations, grammar, pronunciation, IELTS and FCE exam preparation, and English for media.

Our first lesson will serve as an interview - I will try to get to know you better, estimate your proficiency level, ask you about your goals and interests. This will help me prepare the perfect learning plan just for you!

So far I have received 378 reviews- my students claim I have great lesson plans, I provide great conversations and I am energetic & enthusiastic. Also, 26 of my reviews say that I am brilliant at explaining hard concepts!

Apart from regular lessons I also offer 4 English courses: Movie discussion course for C1 level, IELTS Speaking Course 1, IELTS Speaking course 2 and Free discussion for levels C1 and C2.

I encourage you to schedule a TRIAL lesson for free so we can use it to get to know each other and so that you can see whether you’d like to work with me.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you! :)
Roya en quelques mots
Hello there! My name is Roya, I am an English teacher and I will be happy to help you improve your English skills :) I have been teaching English for over 4 years both present and online classes. During that time, I have held numerous discussion courses for all levels, IELTS speaking courses and courses mainly focused on grammar as well. I really love literature and art (I am also a painter!) and...
Hello there! My name is Roya, I am an English teacher and I will be happy to help you improve your English skills :) I have been teaching English for over 4 years both present and online classes. During that time, I have held numerous discussion courses for all levels, IELTS speaking courses and courses mainly focused on grammar as well. I really love literature and art (I am also a painter!) and I have had several free discussion classes based of stories and novels. Fortunately I have had the chance of working with students with different levels of English and at different ages and therefore I'm acquainted with the difficulties that English learners usually encounter.

I love literature, reading and I have numerous books, sources and materials that we can use during our classes. I have taught students with different needs, so I can easily adapt and help you achieve your goals. I can help you improve your general English, grammar, or pronunciation. Apart from that, I have some experience helping others prepare for the IELTS exam and for the FCE exam.

My classes are interaction-based and I provide a lot of useful conversation material. I use practical pdf files and Power Point slides for further practice at home. I also use different activities and methods in order to avoid monotony. To evaluate both the learners and the efficiency of my method I sometimes take short exams.

If you are looking for a passionate and motivating teacher, please send me a message to arrange a lesson :)
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