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Cours particuliers de Anglais
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Following an international mobility, I am available to train in English

Description des cours
I have always been passionate about the support and development of people, and have worked in the fields of animation, information, and translation. Allowing everyone to grow and evolve is a conviction that drives my career. After an international mobility, I would like to settle in France permanently. Available immediately, I am eagerly awaiting a position as English Trainer.
Cedric en quelques mots
Before, I came back to France, I used to live in the Philippines where English and Tagalog are the two official languages. In Asia, even if you don't speak the national language, if you speak English, you can travel and work. I intend to hand this skill to you. For me, it is essential to keep developing. I have tried to find the most appropriate ways to self-evaluate and become more efficient, as...
Before, I came back to France, I used to live in the Philippines where English and Tagalog are the two official languages. In Asia, even if you don't speak the national language, if you speak English, you can travel and work. I intend to hand this skill to you. For me, it is essential to keep developing. I have tried to find the most appropriate ways to self-evaluate and become more efficient, as I have done at GIP CPAGE by redesigning the training and services offered by the Decisional. Each day is different, each session offers its series of surprises and experiences, whether in animation or in information and technology. Training is not about transferring skills, it is about creating new ones, taking something from everyone to go further. The support and development of the individual is a central line in my past achievements. Combined with a wealth of experience, I have two tools at my disposal. I want to continue to put them at the service of others. My adaptive and analytical skills give me a great advantage in training. My approachability and clarity have always been the basis for a relationship of trust and co-operation on projects. Working together, we could combine our experiences to give yo the tools and skills needed to face your personal and professional challenges. If you would like to contact me, I am enthusiastic about the idea of working with you. It would be a real pleasure to have the opportunity to speak with you.
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