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Ville Dijon
Cours particuliers de FCE First Certificate in English
verified Données vérifiées time 4 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
5 € Supplément de déplacement
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Tutor: English, Physics and Mathematics - low, medium and high level

Description des cours
Hello, I am doctoral student at the University of Burgundy in the field of electronic engineering, doing all my research work in English. I come from Nigeria with diverse cultures, languages and ethics, necessitating English language to be our common language of expression. Although I'm not native English speaker, the fact that I did all my studies in English, gave me the opportunity to speak and taught some English courses in my town. Because I am science student, I also taught Mathematics and Physics for two years. Normally, at the end of first degree in Nigeria, each student is mandated to exercise a national assignment called National Yourth Service Corps (NYSC) for one year. During this service, I was posted to the north-east of Nigeria, where I taught Mathematics and Physics for one complete year. I can teach English, Mathematics and Physics efficiently. Kind regards Aliyu Isah
Aliyu en quelques mots
I teach English, Mathematics and Physics with three years of experience. For each subject choosing and depending on your level, we will plan a very intractive lesson to meet up with all the expectations.
You're welcome for whatever level you're interested. For the English language, I am not a native speaker of English, however I studied it from elementary school and it's been my language o...
I teach English, Mathematics and Physics with three years of experience. For each subject choosing and depending on your level, we will plan a very intractive lesson to meet up with all the expectations.
You're welcome for whatever level you're interested. For the English language, I am not a native speaker of English, however I studied it from elementary school and it's been my language of studies and expression.

Kind regards
Aliyu Isah
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