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Ville Levens
Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
verified Données vérifiées time 1 année d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Maternelle et préscolaire
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English teacher in Leuven - online lessons

Description des cours
I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Public Affairs from ADA University . To ensure that all the students are able to study their respective degree programs in English, the university provides The English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) Program, which encompasses courses in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Through one year program, I learnt to express myself fleuntly without much obvious searching for expressions, developed deeper awareness of grammar points, wrote well-structured texts and read and comprehended a wide range of authentic, long, and complex texts from social and academic sources. Currently, I am pursuing master's degree in Educational Studies at KU Leuven wherein I have gained core competencies such as analytical thinking and critical mind as well as practices to improve learning outcomes of the students. Therefore, I believe that my academic background is an ideal match to teach on your platform.

Please, note that I live in Leuven. I could not specify my city on my profile since only French cities appeared in the search bar.
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