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Sana Taraheem
Sana Taraheem
Ville Lyon, Bron, Saint-Fons, Vénissieux, Villeurbanne
Cours particuliers de Maths
verified Données vérifiées time 1 année d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Are you looking for a Mathematics Teacher(English) for your children. Please contact me.

Description des cours
I love teaching. I have a post graduate level of mathematics training. I used to teach mathematics to my friends and cousins. I can try to make it easy for you because I love it.
Sana Taraheem en quelques mots
Dear future students,

Mathematics is a fascinating subject that can open up a whole new world of understanding and problem-solving. My first goal is to make you fall in love with mathematics and make is easy for you. As your math teacher, my next goal is to help you develop a deep appreciation for mathematics and to help you become confident in your ability to tackle even the most challenging pr...
Dear future students,

Mathematics is a fascinating subject that can open up a whole new world of understanding and problem-solving. My first goal is to make you fall in love with mathematics and make is easy for you. As your math teacher, my next goal is to help you develop a deep appreciation for mathematics and to help you become confident in your ability to tackle even the most challenging problems. The first thing I want to emphasize is that mathematics is not just about memorizing formulas and procedures. It is about developing a way of thinking and reasoning that can be applied to a wide range of problems, both within and outside of the field of mathematics. This means that we will be focusing on developing your problem-solving skills, your ability to reason logically, and your creativity in approaching problems from different angles. Another important aspect of learning mathematics is developing a strong foundation in the basics. This means mastering the fundamental concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, and being able to apply these concepts in a variety of settings. We will be spending time reviewing and practicing these basics to ensure that you have a solid understanding of the fundamentals. In conclusion, I am excited to embark on this journey with you and to help you develop a deep appreciation for mathematics. Remember, with hard work, dedication, and practice, you can achieve great things in this subject and beyond. Mathematics is easy, do not worry Let's get started!
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
MSc Circular Economy
Master 2 (en cours)
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