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Ville Lyon
Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
verified Données vérifiées time 2 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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I can give English lessons to the users of all levels and help them improve their knowledge about the language

Description des cours
I studied English Language Teaching in college. In my final year, I worked in middle school and high school before graduating. Right now, I am doing my erasmus+ internship in a language academy in Valencia, Spain. Classes are online right now and they last from 9 AM to 1 PM every weekday. Most of the time, I lead speaking, listening classes, and some exams. Other than teaching, I get feedback for the students or support other teachers in the chat.
Hasan en quelques mots
The way I teach depends on the students' ages and their levels most of the time. I did my internship in a both middle school and a high school. For example, in middle school, I would teach students by using games, songs or stories. On the other hand, in high school, I would not use those assesments as much as I did for my younger students. The methodology I follow is Communicative Language Teachi...
The way I teach depends on the students' ages and their levels most of the time. I did my internship in a both middle school and a high school. For example, in middle school, I would teach students by using games, songs or stories. On the other hand, in high school, I would not use those assesments as much as I did for my younger students. The methodology I follow is Communicative Language Teaching. I always try to create a communication between me and my students to make them use the language as much as they can rather than just giving them information about what they are learning. I use inductive and deductive teaching approaches interchangably for my lesson plans because of the fact that they both have advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation, the lesson and most importantly the student's learning style. Since everybody has a different learning style, I think teachers also should have various teaching styles that they can adapt to any situation.
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