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Meryem Guerraa
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Meryem Guerraa
Ville Marseille
Cours particuliers de Anglais
verified Données vérifiées time 5 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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English Teacher, Soft Skills coach et TOEFL TRAINER

Description des cours
Meet Meryem Guerraa, a dedicated and experienced English teacher who embarked on an enriching journey in September 2018 at the American Center. With a passion for language education, Meryem Guerraa has been fostering language proficiency among both children and adults, imparting not only general English skills but also specialized training in business English.
Meryem Guerraa en quelques mots
Meet Meryem Guerraa, a dedicated and experienced English teacher who embarked on an enriching journey in September 2018 at the American Center. With a passion for language education, [Your Name] has been fostering language proficiency among both children and adults, imparting not only general English skills but also specialized training in business English.

Specializing in TOEFL test preparation...
Meet Meryem Guerraa, a dedicated and experienced English teacher who embarked on an enriching journey in September 2018 at the American Center. With a passion for language education, [Your Name] has been fostering language proficiency among both children and adults, imparting not only general English skills but also specialized training in business English.

Specializing in TOEFL test preparation, Meryem Guerraa ensures that students are well-equipped to excel in their academic pursuits. Beyond the traditional classroom setting, [Your Name] extends the reach of education by conducting offsite classes in various companies, tailoring language programs to meet the specific needs of professionals.

In addition to language proficiency, Meryem Guerraa goes the extra mile by incorporating soft skills into the curriculum. By imparting valuable skills such as effective communication, teamwork, and leadership, Meryem Guerraa empowers employees to navigate their careers with confidence and success.

With several years of dedicated service, Meryem Guerraa has become a respected figure in the realm of English education, leaving an indelible impact on the language skills and professional development of countless individuals. [Your Name] continues to inspire a love for language learning, making a positive difference in the lives of students and professionals alike.
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