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Akarsh biju
1er cours offert
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Akarsh biju
Ville Montpellier
Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
verified Données vérifiées time 1 année d'expérience en tant que professeur
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In my concern, i loves to teach the students and it was very happy see all their happy faces after acquiring the knowledge from me

Description des cours
First of all , If i get a chance to teach the students here ,that was my great pleasure and privilege. I am very much happy to share my knowledge in this field to my students. My name is Akarsh Biju and i am coming from India. Only with my passion and my confidence get me here in Montpellier. Basically i am a mechanical engineer and I got a training from MNC and am here to pursue my Master's in MONTPELLIER BUSINESS SCHOOL. With all my experiences and knowledge, I am delighted to support my students in their learning
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