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Hasna Es-sayid
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Hasna Es-sayid
Ville Paris
Cours particuliers de Arabe
verified Données vérifiées time 2 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur Taux de réponse <strong>100%</strong> Taux de réponse 100%
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Experienced Tutor in Modern Arabic, Moroccan Arabic and Tamazight

Description des cours
Experienced Tutor in Modern Arabic, Moroccan Arabic and Tamazight.
Hasna Es-sayid en quelques mots
5 years of experience teaching Arabic, both in person and Online. I use the communicative approach to teach, and Fun and different ways of teaching according to my students need. I love teaching Arabic and Moroccan dialect and I always proud of my students when they make progress in their language.
5 years of experience teaching Arabic, both in person and Online. I use the communicative approach to teach, and Fun and different ways of teaching according to my students need. I love teaching Arabic and Moroccan dialect and I always proud of my students when they make progress in their language.
Arabe Anglais Français
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