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1er cours offert
Premier cours offert
Ville Paris
Cours particuliers de IELTS
verified Données vérifiées time 1 année d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Salut! My name is Rutvi and I am an English language assistant in École Jean Rostand in Ville d’Avray. I have taught English to all age groups from kids to adults. As I’m going back to my home country, I am looking forward to take English classes online.

Description des cours
Salut! My name is Rutvi and I am an English language assistant in École Jean Rostand in Ville d’Avray. I have taught English to all age groups from kids to adults. As I’m going back to my home country, I am looking forward to take English classes online. It will be a fun and interactive way of learning English with reading material, games and activities. For any more information please feel free to contact me! Thank you.
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