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Ville Poissy
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Étudiante donne cours d'anglais EN LIGNE niveau primaire à lycée

Description des cours
Je m'appelle Laura, j'ai 21 ans et je suis diplômée d'une licence de Relations Internationales. J'ai le niveau C1 Cambridge (C2 à l'oral), certification datant de juin 2022. De plus, j'ai de l'expérience car j'ai donné pendant plusieurs mois des cours d'anglais niveau A0 à des maternelles et niveau A2-B1 à des enfants âgés de 6 à 19 ans en Turquie au sein d'un volontariat avec l'Union Européenne. Si votre enfant est en section européenne anglais je serais également en mesure de l'aider à préparer ses examens. Aide à préparer le Cambridge et le TOEFL aussi.
Laura en quelques mots

My name is Laura, I'm 21 years old and I'm starting to teach French online! I have taught children from nursery to high school in person before, but my schedule allows me to be very flexible and online teaching is the key!
I adapt completely to my students, depending on their level, their strengths and weaknesses and what they want to learn! For instance, a big part of the first session i...

My name is Laura, I'm 21 years old and I'm starting to teach French online! I have taught children from nursery to high school in person before, but my schedule allows me to be very flexible and online teaching is the key!
I adapt completely to my students, depending on their level, their strengths and weaknesses and what they want to learn! For instance, a big part of the first session is about getting to know you, me, how I can help you and what you are looking for. I will explain my different methodologies, such as working with songs, film and TV dialogues, to familiarise you with English around themes you know! But above all I will listen to the points you need to review and I will be very proud to help you progress in such a beautiful language!
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