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Hebaieb Chedi
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Hebaieb Chedi
Ville Rennes
Cours particuliers de Anglais
verified Données vérifiées time 2 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Je vais enseigner l'anglais de base aux écoliers ou collégiens

Description des cours
Je vais enseigner l'anglais de base aux écoliers ou collégiens
Hebaieb Chedi en quelques mots
I will send PDF and WORD supports for students before every session. Afterwards we will start the lesson and try to counter the difficulties found on the way. The correction and remarks are also sent after the session. My methodology is to transfer my way of learning to the student as it had helped me when I was their age too. It is mandatory that the student tries to understand English as a logi...
I will send PDF and WORD supports for students before every session. Afterwards we will start the lesson and try to counter the difficulties found on the way. The correction and remarks are also sent after the session. My methodology is to transfer my way of learning to the student as it had helped me when I was their age too. It is mandatory that the student tries to understand English as a logic because thus it would stuck in his/her brain forever. Therefore there is a small part of memorizing in my courses. It's much more to learn how to communicate and understand how tenses, modals, passive voices, vocabs and many more subjects are employed.
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