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Elizabeth Harris
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Elizabeth Harris
Ville Saint-Symphorien-sur-Coise
Cours particuliers de Gestion d'entreprises
verified Données vérifiées time 1 année d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Exam preparation Grammar tenses and grammar exercises, discussion, speaking, writing & listening

Description des cours
My name is Elizabeth Harris, a native speaker from England and I'm very interested in applying for the position of Online English Teacher with your company.

I'm a teacher who teaches English online as a second language to business professional adults from multinational organizations and various English levels wanting to learn Business English. Also, I teach children English focusing on grammar exercises such as grammar tenses, comparison and modal verbs as well as discussion topics, pronunciation and writing and listening skills for various English exams.

I am passionate about teaching and focus lessons on specific areas of interest for students. Also, I teach other aspects of the English language such as presentations, Business English writing, and conversational dialogue such as negotiations and conflict in the work.

I have over 16 years experience in the Human Resources field, over 10 years training staff in HR recruitment processes, employment legislation and I write my own lesson material as well. My educational background is a BA hons degree in Psychology and Social Science and a 120 hour Advanced TEFL teaching certificate. Also, I've got four years experience as a school governor and have been teaching English for over four years, since July 2019, so I know the importance of curriculum and teacher interaction with students. Also, I have experience in assessing students on their level of English too.

I love teaching English to students with different abilities and strengths as we can work together to make English enjoyable and challenging to learn. I use a variety of teaching methods adapting my teaching style to the students needs, such as presentation of the words, practice and production of words. This helps students learning English to learn the essential vocabulary and phrases they use in everyday life situations in the workplace. I use different teaching aids to help students understand the meaning of the lessons & certain words. I love teaching Business English and general English that students need for their professional and social lives, making it interesting for them and seeing real results with the students as they progress with their studies with patience and sensitivity. I tailor the lessons to the students requirements to make them exciting and challenging to immerse the students into the English Language.
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