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Ville Terre-Clapier
Cours particuliers de CAE Certificate in Advanced English
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I will teach to high school students to improve their english language and also help them do their homework

Description des cours
I will teach to high school students to improve their english language and also help them do their homework.
Soha en quelques mots
My name's Soha and I've been teaching English for 2 years. I experienced working in 4 language institutes and Having online private classes for about 1 year. I've just started cooperating with COB as a volunteer english teacher for refugees. To communicate well with language learners is the first challenge of teaching online. I do my best to pass through this by free discussion at the begining of...
My name's Soha and I've been teaching English for 2 years. I experienced working in 4 language institutes and Having online private classes for about 1 year. I've just started cooperating with COB as a volunteer english teacher for refugees. To communicate well with language learners is the first challenge of teaching online. I do my best to pass through this by free discussion at the begining of the class and directing the students to the topic related to each session. Then we're able to read a passage including the target grammar and new vocabulary. Choosing a title for each paragraph and asking comprehension questions about the text are the second part of teaching reading. After that the student get familiar with the topic, new words and the formation of grammar, we're ready to examine the grammar in more details. The student will write an essay with all new words and grammar which are taught for the next session as the homework.
I don't usually use the specific resource. I choose the best part of each course book for grammar, useful videos as the listening comprehension and some articles from the journals for reading part.
One of my habits is reading books in English, french or persian. And I used to ask my student to join me in book club and review the book together.
Knowing another language can extend your own community. The extensive community can bring you more challenges and it leads you to think more and more.
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