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Nastassia en quelques mots
My name is Nastassia and I believe I can make a difference by educating people cross-cultural and human-oriented values, broadening mindset through teaching English. As a teacher I handle face-to-face lessons via zoom on Miro eBoard implementing new methods and techniques along with plenty of video and audio materials to involve students into learning process. But what is more important I conside...
My name is Nastassia and I believe I can make a difference by educating people cross-cultural and human-oriented values, broadening mindset through teaching English. As a teacher I handle face-to-face lessons via zoom on Miro eBoard implementing new methods and techniques along with plenty of video and audio materials to involve students into learning process. But what is more important I consider a teacher should set a vivid example of a sophisticated, self-motivated, interested in life and devoted to their work person and who I really try to be. I've already got TEFL/TESOL certificate and I'm still expanding and improving my knowledge. 'Through learning we teach, through teaching we learn'. And I enjoy this path. If you are ready to set off on this adventurous journey, let's have fun along the way!
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