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Cours particuliers de Espagnol
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Cours de conversation d'ESPAGNOL avec prof native

Description des cours
Je m'appelle Claudia et je viens de Madrid (Espagne). Je suis une enseignante d'espagnol qualifiée et expérimentée et je donne des cours d'espagnol pour améliorer surtout la conversation, la prononciation et le vocabulaire. Je propose des cours dynamiques et variés où j'intègre également des éléments culturels et sociaux de la langue.

Par rapport à ma formation, j'ai une Licence en Langues Modernes, Culture et Communication de l'Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, un Master en Langue Appliquée de l'Universidad Complutense et de l'Université de la Sorbonne et un Master en Formation du Professorat de l'Universidad Nacional Española a Distancia.

Au niveau professionnel, j'ai plus de 8 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur de langues et j'ai travaillé dans différents domaines (université, entreprise, école, particuliers) et avec différentes méthodologies. Je m'adapte aux besoins des élèves et je peux également préparer les étudiants aux examens officiels d'espagnol à tous les niveaux.

Les cours se feront par skype ou par téléphone. Prix: 16€ / h
Claudia en quelques mots
First, it's important to highlight that I hold dual French and Spanish nationality, which allows me to have a deep understanding of both cultures and a strong linguistic foundation in both languages.

My academic trajectory demonstrates my consistent commitment to language learning and teaching. Obtaining a degree in Modern Languages, Culture, and Communication was just the beginning. Thanks to a...
First, it's important to highlight that I hold dual French and Spanish nationality, which allows me to have a deep understanding of both cultures and a strong linguistic foundation in both languages.

My academic trajectory demonstrates my consistent commitment to language learning and teaching. Obtaining a degree in Modern Languages, Culture, and Communication was just the beginning. Thanks to an Erasmus program in France and a scholarship in Brazil, I experienced enriching cultural and academic immersion.

To delve even deeper into the study and teaching of languages, I completed two complementary master's degrees. The Master's in Applied French Language from the University of Sorbonne provided me with a multicultural and multidisciplinary perspective, including the use of information and communication technologies. Additionally, I specialized through the Master's in Secondary and Baccalaureate Education Teaching Training to develop effective teaching and learning processes.

My education was complemented by three courses at the Cervantes Institute, where I acquired skills for assessing and certifying the DELE exam at all levels.

My professional experience includes language teaching in private companies, university teaching at the Complutense University of Madrid, and teaching at secondary and baccalaureate levels. I also worked as a Spanish language assistant in Martinique (France), introducing Spanish language and culture to French students. I was also a language teacher at an international secondary school in Sweden, where I discovered the Scandinavian education system and its innovative methodologies.

Currently, I am part of the communication sector in the educational field of the European Commission, which has provided me with an internal and theoretical perspective on educational and cultural procedures.

My experience in different educational systems and pedagogical practices has given me confidence in organizing and planning classes, as well as in linguistic reflection, innovation, and research in teaching methods.
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Hispano-francés en Lengua Francesa Aplicada
Formation et qualifications
Máster en Formación del Profesorado
Formation et qualifications
Curso de acreditación de examinadores DELE B1/B2
Formation et qualifications
Curso de acreditación de examinadores DELE A1/A2
Formation et qualifications
Curso de acreditación de examinadores DELE C1/C2
Formation et qualifications
Lenguas Modernas Cultura y Comunicación
Français Anglais Portugais Espagnol
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