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Cours particuliers de FLE - Français langue étrangère
verified Données vérifiées time 3 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur
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Cours de français général, conversations, remise à niveau en grammaire (FLE)

Description des cours
Je donne des cours de FLE depuis 3 ans maintenant. Diplômée d'un Master FLE et didactique des langues, j'ai d'abord enseigné en France, puis à l'étranger, en Pologne. J'aime les activités créatives et amusantes : avec moi, vous n'aurez plus peur de vous exprimer !
Je propose plusieurs prestations : conversation pour améliorer votre expression, cours de renforcement grammatical, cours de Français général, préparation au DELF ou cours personnalisé en fonction de vos besoins (français pour le travail, les études, expatriation, voyage ...).
Lea en quelques mots
Bonjour ! My name is Léa and I come from the North-East of France. I completed a Master's degree in French as a Foreign Language in 2020 and have been teaching for the past 2 years : I started in France and moved to Warsaw, Poland in 2021. I worked there until february 2023 and I'm now living in Galway, Ireland. :)

How do I work ?

Together, we'll discuss about your goals and the ways you enjoy...
Bonjour ! My name is Léa and I come from the North-East of France. I completed a Master's degree in French as a Foreign Language in 2020 and have been teaching for the past 2 years : I started in France and moved to Warsaw, Poland in 2021. I worked there until february 2023 and I'm now living in Galway, Ireland. :)

How do I work ?

Together, we'll discuss about your goals and the ways you enjoy learning. I will then create a programme and activities based on what we discussed. I personally like using games, quizz and interactive activities ! I will be using French as much as possible in order to create an immersive environment for you. I usually give homeworks but it's up to you ! My classes are 100% personalised, so feel free to contact me and book a session with me :)

Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
French as a foreign language
Allemand Anglais Français
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