Conseils et techniques pour apprendre l'anglais

Publié par James

Should we use RP as a model to teach pronunciation?

How can we teach english pronunciation to the students? I think the answer to this question is somehow relative for it can neither be white nor black. If someone decides to learn a L2, English in that case, it is because they have some motives behind it. One of the possible reasons could be for communication purposes both with natives or non-natives. That means the learner wants to understand when either natives or non-natives use English for c...
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Publié par Samuel

How I learnt Spanish and why you should do the same in English!

Let me start by saying that this is not the idiot's guide to language learning, but it definitely helped this idiot. I was useless at languages at school, I know this because my teachers told me and when school friends hear that I can speak Spanish they are so surprised... So, how did I do it? My simple rules. Total immersion  Don't be afraid to look stupid Practice  Ask for help Let's break these down a bit. Immerse yourself in th...
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Publié par Ali

THE NEURO-COGNITIVE METHOD: From theory to Practice

The Neuro-cognitive Method is one of my best teaching and training methods. I have researched it in my Master's thesis, honed it over the many years of teaching english experience that I have. In this article, I am going to briefly outline the neurological principle lying behind the method, explain how the method works my the classroom environment while giving english tutoring classes (and outside), and give an example or two to ifllustrate the ...
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