• Learning Vocabulary: tips

Learning Vocabulary: List. Cover. Repeat.

Patrick Aaron O'neill

Five years ago, when I started learning Italian, I had absolutely no idea where to begin.

Should I learn fixed phrases by heart? Should I tackle idioms first? It seemed like trying to empty the ocean with a soup spoon. 


By profound dumb luck, I passed a shop that was selling little pocket-sized notebooks. I went inside, bought a packet of three for €2 (God bless Tiger...), and sat down on a bench outside, trying to remember what that thing was that my feet were resting on. You know, that thing that people walk down on a nice Sunday afternoon. Oh come on! That thing we use to walk on so that we don't get hit by the passing cars. Oh yes! Marciapiede!

Marciapiede = Sidewalk

I pulled out a book I'd just bought at the train station. It translated roughly to "The Street To My House" by a delightfully-tacky Italian author. I don't quite remember the name, but he was the sort of writer you're embarrassed to actually keep on your bookshelf, so you keep it tucked in a dusty drawer somewhere. Like Fabio Volo (I lied just now about not remembering his name). The great thing about authors like this is that you actually understand most of the vocabulary. However, there were certain words that were beyond me. And so, with these, I used my previous strategy of writing down the unknown Italian word beside its translation in English. Within minutes I had several new words.

Sbiadire = To fade

Rapire = To kidnap

Every so often I would go back to the list, covering one of the words with my thumb as I worked to remember the translation in the alternate language. To my surprise and delight, I was able to remember an entire page of new words! And not just that day. The next day, and the next week, and all the way up to the present moment!

Trouvez votre professeur idéal

It is so simple, and yet so effective. The words are right there in front of you. You can sometimes remember their position on the page (particularly the difficult ones). And with time, seeing pages and pages of memorized words in your notebook, your confidence grows.

I still have those little multi-colored notebooks tucked away in a drawer somewhere (probably on top of the Fabio Volo book). I have another stack that helped me to learn basic Swahili in 6 months. And I'm convinced this technique can work wonders for you.

So good luck, and don't look to the immensity of the ocean when you pick up that soup spoon. Look at how quickly you're filling the bowl in front of you.



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Patrick Aaron O'neill
I'm an English teacher with 6+ years of experience teaching IELTS. I love seeing students reach their goals.
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